
Benchmarking resource for predictors of protein stability change

All the datasets for testing the performance of the predictors of DDG upon mutation are available at the protddg-bench repository. The protddg-bench repository includes the following datasets:

Datasets files

The directory S2648 and VB1432 contains 10 files for 10-folds cross-validation tests. Furthermore, the cross-validation subset of S2648 and VB1432 are consistent. This means that the following predictions can be performed:

	Training: not SET_i vb1432-10fold-split-j.tsv -> Test: SET_i s2648-10fold-split-j.tsv
        Training: not SET_i s2648-10fold-split-j.tsv  -> Test: SET_i vb1432-10fold-split-j.tsv

The directory BROOM contains a 5-fold split of the BROOM dataset. Given the numeber of mutations mutations form the same cluster the set has been diveded in 5 subsets. The test on this dataset can be performed as follow:

        Training: not SET_i train-vb1432-test-broom.tsv -> Test: SET_i broom-5fold.tsv
        Training: not SET_i train-s2648-test-broom.tsv  -> Test: SET_i broom-5fold.tsv

The directory SSYM contains a 5-fold split of the Ssym dataset. Given the large number of mutations form the same cluster the set has been diveded in 5 subsets. The test on this dataset can be performed as follow:

         Training: not SET_i train-vb1432-test-ssym.tsv -> Test: SET_i ssym-5fold.tsv
         Training: not SET_i train-s2648-test-ssym.tsv  -> Test: SET_i ssym-5fold.tsv

The directory MYOGLOBIN test contains the testing dataset myoglogin.tsv with the best subsets of VB1432 and S2648 to be used as possible training. The following prediction can be performed:

        Training: train-vb1432-test-myoglobin.tsv (1399) -> Test: myoglobin.tsv
        Training: train-s2648-test-myoglobin.tsv  (2607) -> Test: myoglobin.tsv

The directory P53 test contains the testing dataset p53.tsv with the best subsets of VB1432 and S2648 to be used as possible training. The following prediction can be performed:

        Training: train-vb1432-test-p53.tsv       (1427) -> Test: p53.tsv
        Training: train-s2648-test-p53.tsv        (2643) -> Test: p53.tsv

The directory KORPM contains 10 files for 10-folds cross-validation tests. Furtermore it contains 2 training and 2 testing files. The testing files are Ssym and S461. The tests on this dataset can be performed as follow:

         Training: not SET_i korpm-10fold-split-j.tsv -> Test: SET_i korpm-10fold-split-j.tsv
         Training: not Ssym  train-korpm-nossym.tsv  (1,807) -> Test: ssym-korpm.tsv
         Training: not S461  train-korpm-nos461.tsv  (2,224) -> Test: s461-korpm.tsv

The directory PTMUL contains files for testing predictions on multiple site mutations starting from a training on a set single point mutations. The directory also includes a 5-fold split of the PTMUL dataset. Given the number of mutations mutations form the same cluster the set has been diveded in 5 subsets. The test on this dataset can be performed as follow:

         Training: not SET_i train-vb1432-test-ptmul.tsv -> Test: SET_i ptmul-5fold.tsv
         Training: not SET_i train-s2648-test-ptmul.tsv  -> Test: SET_i ptmul-5fold.tsv


The file cluster-545-pdbchains.txt contains 132 clusters of 545 PDB chains. The clustering is obtained using blastclust with the options -S 25 -L 0.5 -b F.
The file cluster-129-korpm-pdbchain.txt contains 129 groups of proteins from the korpm dataset. The clustering is obtained using MMseq with 25% sequence identity cutoff.


To test your method you need to:

1. replace the file with your own script that runs taking in input only the testing and training files and returning in standard output the experimental and the predicted DDGs respectively The program runs as follows:

        ./scripts/ test_file.txt train_file.txt

2. Generate an inputfile containing a two columns representing the PDB chain identifier and the mutation followed by all the inputfeatures. The full list of mutations are reported in the file data/unique-mutations-input.txt and example of input file with two input features is ifeatures-KYTJ820101-BASU050101.txt. Finally run scripts/ input_feature_file.txt to score the performace of your method. For example runs:

	./scripts/ data/ifeatures-KYTJ820101-BASU050101.txt